To articulate a trusting and loving relationship with God
To develop a personal prayer life
To worship God in monthly chapel services and daily "Jesus Time"
To recognize and verbalize one’s own feelings and to respect those of others
To develop a positive self-image and independence
To develop social skills such as sharing and taking turns
To develop communication skills necessary for problem solving and working with others
To participate in free choice and group activities
To follow a routine
To develop age-appropriate expressive (speaking and writing) and receptive (listening and reading) language skills
To participate in age-appropriate math readiness activities such as sorting, graphing, measuring, counting, number recognition, and one-to-one correspondence
To strengthen positive learning dispositions such as persistence, independence, initiative, creativity, flexibility, cooperation, and the ability to direct and control one’s own learning
To control small muscles in the hands (fine motor)
To develop eye-hand coordination
To develop gross motor skills through games, basic locomotor, and movement activities